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Master your Mind and Overcome Negative Thinking!


 The mind is the power bank of our thought,
emotion, and will (decision making). Humans should be mindful of the information they feed the mind with. 

The Blank Slate

The Scottish philosopher was the first to propose the idea of the "tabula rasa" or "blank slate". this theory says that each person comes
into the world with no thoughts or ideas at all,
and that everything a person thinks and feels is learned from infancy on-ward. it is as though the child's mind is a blank slate that every passing person and experience leaves a
mark on. the adult becomes a sum total of everything he or she learns, feels, and experiences growing up. what the adult does and becomes later is the result of this early conditioning.

    Bad news sells and feeds directly to our 'natural negativity bias' - that even of equal intensity, things of more negative nature like(unpleasant thought,emotions, or social interactions; harmful/traumatic events)have a great effect on one's psychological state and processes than do neutral or positive things. i.e, something very positive will generally  have less of an impact on a person behavior and cognition than something equally emotional but negative. Negative thinking not only drains you of energy and removes you from the present moments, but it's infectious and spread to others, bringing everyone down rather than lifting up. Negativity acts like parasites and the more you feed it, the faster it spreads and the stronger it becomes.

How To Overcome Negative Thinking 

Negativity destroys performance in a short term and truncate success and happiness in a long term. A primary reason to develop mental toughness and control is to think well, to perceive truth more accurately and to form thought more powerfully. positively formed thoughts leads to greater success while negative formed thoughts can leads to mediocrity or outright failure. 

To fight negative thinking, firstly identity the source of your negative thinking, after discovering that you have negative thoughts; deliberately starve it by telling your self "STOP" or "NOT THIS". by using this statements you can bring your mind back into control. The next step is to redirect your mind with positive, purposeful self-talk and imagery. this will help move your mind into a new internal imagery. Lastly maintain this new state of mind with hard work and focus persistently, negativity will soon been erased completely . As Aristotle wrote: whatever is Impressed is Expressed. 



On point.

Kelly's News Fountain Blog said...

The youths and adults of the 21st century are
lazy to reading motivational/inspiration books rather they spend over 10 hours a day
on the internet and social media. try to engage the social media freaks with information that will transform their minds.